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New report highlights barriers women face in the maritime industry
New report highlights barriers women face in the maritime industry

TURTLE launches new survey in collaboration with leading organizations
TURTLE's mission is to eradicate illegal recruitment practices. Our 2023 survey was the largest industry survey on this topic and contributed significantly to raising awareness in the maritime industry.

TURTLE meets MINSHIP: Insightful interview
Discover how MINSHIP leverages TURTLE's innovative platform to streamline recruitment and maintain a competitive edge in the maritime industry.
Exclusive interview with Isabelle and SAFETY4SEA - TURTLE: Technology and data are crucial to achieve industry’s ESG targets
Exclusive Interview from Safety4Sea with our founder and CEO Isabelle Rickmers.

TURTLE has won the “Career4Sea Europort Diversity & Inclusion Award 2023”
TURTLE has won the Career4Sea Europort Diversity & Inclusion Award.
Isabelle Rickmers is featured in DIE ZEIT
Isabelle Rickmers has been featured in DIE ZEIT Nr. 37/2023. The article gives an insight into Isabelles' inspiring journey and highlights the reasons that led her to found TURTLE.

Isabelle on the jury of the Nordic Start-up Challenge
Our CEO Isabelle Rickmers was part of the jury of the “Nordic Start-up Challenge”.
TURTLE is a member of ISWAN
TURTLE is a member of ISWAN, an organisation which promotes and supports the welfare of seafarers all over the world.

ESG: Unlock the benefits of data-driven recruitment for shipping companies.
Compliance requirements, like the German Supply Chain Act, are urging shipping companies to even more prioritize ESG-practices.

TURTLE at the Plug & Play Maritime EXPO in Antwerp
On June 13, startups, industry experts and companies met in Antwerp at the Plug & Play Maritime EXPO.
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